Matthew Piper, "Nicola Kuperus," Essay'd,Dec.15,2017 |
Matthew Piper, "Adam Lee Miller," Essay'd, Nov.22,2015 |
Sarah Rose Sharp, "An Artist Couple Explores the Sexy and Not-So-Sexy Realities of Intimacy," Hyperallergic, October 2, 2015 |
Michael H. Hodges, "Kuperus and Miller shock at DeSousa," The Detroit News, October 1, 2015 |
Sarah Rose Sharp, "Two's Company: Discreet Vulgarities," Detroit Art Review, September 17, 2015 |
Maximilian de la Garza, "Detroit Unadulterated: It was the End of Times, It was the Best of Times," VICE, February 24, 2015 |
Robert Raczka, "Detroit Artists in Residence at the Mattress Factory," artHOPPER, May 7, 2014 |